Queens Road Surgery : 01207 585890

Queens Road Surgery is a modern, purpose-built surgery in the grounds of Shotley Bridge Hospital, with a branch service at Moorside, Consett. It is a 11 GP, five partner surgery with a growing list of 15,800 patients. We use a triage system so that most of the appointment slots are filled by the on-call GP, with assistance from our Nurse Practitioners who also see minor ailments. However, there are also bookable appointments for patients to use.

As well as morning and afternoon surgeries, the Nurse Practitioners run evening surgeries every Tuesday and Thursday until 19.30.

Much of the care home visiting is dealt with by our Nurse Practitioners.

Lows pharmacy is on site at both premises and can provide advice, if required.

Our Doctors

Dr Andrea Clarke

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Interests: teaching and training, sports/musculoskeletal medicine, joint injections.

Dr Howard Versey

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Interests: teaching and training, minor surgery, musculoskeletal, joint injections.

Dr Jonathan Worthy

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Interests: diabetes, ENT, minor surgery.

Dr Samantha Foster

Monday, Thursday and Friday

Interests: respiratory, mental Health

Dr Ben Hattaway

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Interests: teaching and training.

Dr John Brain

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Interests: General Medicine

Dr Lawrence Everett

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Interests: teaching and training

Dr Rebecca Mowatt

Monday and Wednesday

Interests: teaching and training

Dr Eugenie George

Tuesday and Wednesday

Interests: women’s Health, joint injections, sexual health

Dr John Sinclair

Wednesday and Friday

Interests: General Medicine

Dr Samantha English

Tuesday, Thursday

Interests: women’s health, child health, sexual health, family planning.

Dr Stephanie Duck

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Interests: women’s health, child health, family planning.

Training Registrars

Queens Road Surgery has a well-established history of involvement in training GPs, nurses and medical students. We feel that this enriches the quality of care given to the community by stimulating discussion and debate about new ideas and different practices.

Doctors undergoing training in general practice are referred to as GP registrars, formerly called trainees. All are fully qualified doctors, and some may have extensive hospital experience prior to coming into general practice. Training in general practice takes a minimum of three years from the time of becoming a GP registrar to the time of qualifying to practice as a GP. The three years are divided between one year in selected hospital posts, and a total of two years in general practice. Before becoming licensed to work independently in general practice, all registrars must pass a set of exams to prove their competence.

While undergoing their training, GP registrars are closely supervised and trained by an approved trainer. At Queens Road Surgery we have two approved trainers, Dr Howard Versey and Dr Ben Hattaway, although it is important that the whole surgery team participates in, and supports the process of training.

Patients should be aware that as part of the process of training, it is necessary that GP registrars discuss patients with their trainer. This involves confidentially viewing patients’ medical records. You can expect GP registrars to provide a full range of GP services. If they are not certain about what to do they will ask more senior colleagues for advice.

Dr Kate Mansfield

Dr Susan Lazar

Foundation Doctor

Dr Julie Thomas

Video Consultations

Patients are also key partners in the training process and the help, support and understanding of patients really is appreciated. One aspect of this process is the video recording of consultations.

This is an important part of training registrars in consultation skills, and in the process of assessment for their exams.

Patients will never be recorded without their consent before starting, and intimate examinations will never be conducted in front of the camera. If a patient subsequently wishes to withdraw their consent after they have been recorded, this wish will be respected, and the recording erased.

Videos will only ever be watched by registrars, trainers, and possibly examiners if the recording is submitted for exam purposes.

Patients should never feel uncomfortable about refusing to be taped if they would prefer not to be, and this will not impact your care in any way

Mental Health Nurse

Kathryn Forster


Advanced Clinical Practitioners

Emma Coates

(ACP/ Nurse Lead)

Jennifer Cuthbertson


Nurse Practitioners

Caroline Carson


Shaun Bain



Alex Browne

Clare Moses

Chin Sheng Lee


Amie Smith

Caroline Kelly

Heather Farrow

Sophie Beckham

Diabetic Nurse Specialist

Angela Pearsall

Nurse Associate

Joanne Mason

Healthcare Assistants

Lorraine Anderson

Paula Hambleton

Tyler Wadrop