Queens Road Surgery : 01207 585890

Spring Covid Booster Clinic from 11th May 2024

We are holding our spring covid booster clinic on Saturday 11th May from 9am to 1pm. This clinic will be by appointment only. We are contacting eligible patients to book their appointments.

Below is a reminder of the eligibility criteria

Pharmacy First

For the 7 common conditions, pharmacists will follow a robust clinical pathway which includes self care and safety-netting advice and, only if appropriate, supplying a restricted set of prescription only medicines without the need to visit a GP.

Spring Covid Boosters 💉

We will be sending out invitations from next week to eligible patients.

Please do not contact us before then as we need to ensure our vaccines are delivered before offering patients appointments.

We will be vaccinating care home and housebound patients first.

Other eligible patients will be invited after this.

Queens Road Surgery