Information on E-Cigarettes

Queens Road Surgery : 01207 585890
We have set up a new designated telephone number to help our elderly patients contact the surgery to request a home visit if they are unable to attend the surgery.
We ask that all visits are requested by 10am. The visit request will then be triaged by one of clinicians.
The designated number to call is 01207 585897. Please note this number can only deal with visit requests. If you call for anything other than a visit you will be asked to call our main line.
A new service has been launched in the North East and Cumbria to offer patients easy access to advice and treatment for UTIs.
The six-month pilot scheme, aimed at women aged 16-64, will enable local pharmacists to treat patients with UTIs without the need for a GP appointment or prescription, providing a more convenient option and faster access to treatment.
UTIs are one of the most common bacterial infections seen in female patients, with over 40 per cent of women likely to suffer from one in their lifetime.
Symptoms of a UTI include:
There is a growing list of participating pharmacies across the North East and Cumbria.
No appointment is needed, and you can check which Pharmacists near you are taking part on the Pharmacy Services North East website.
Repeat dispensing allows us to send a series of repeat prescriptions to your pharmacy in one go. Repeat dispensing is a system we have in place that is safe and efficient but most of all streamlined for both the surgery and patients.
Repeat dispensing is suitable for patients who already receive a monthly prescription however by signing up It will save unnecessary trips to the surgery each month to order as there will be a batch waiting for you at the pharmacy stored securely on the NHS database.
We will set up repeat dispensing annually, to last from your birthday month from this year to the next. It will be a series of one- or two-months prescriptions, given to the pharmacy in one go, that will last 12 months (or until your birthday, whichever is sooner).
If you are going away for an extended period, for example a holiday, the pharmacy can issue your next month's prescription early, so you have enough medication to take away with you on your travels!
If you feel like repeat dispensing is for you, please contact the surgery.
From April 2023 we have made some changes to our appointment system.
We are trying to reduce the demands for on the day appointments and increase the flexibility for our patients.
We have increased our pre-bookable face to face appointments and pre bookable telephone appointments with clinicians.
You can now book appointments up to 2 weeks in advance.
Extensive trials and research have been completed and it has been discovered that if patients book more than 2 weeks in advance the 'did not attend' rate goes up, patients forget their appointment, the issue has resolved, or they have been seen earlier and forgot to cancel their appointment.
All appointments are care navigated by our reception team to ensure you see the correct clinician for your issue.
Monday 3rd April – 8am to 5pm
Tuesday 4th April – 8am – 8pm
Wednesday 5th April – 8am – 5pm
Thursday 6th April – 8am – 8pm
Friday 7th April – CLOSED
Saturday 8th April - CLOSED
Sunday 9th April - CLOSED
Monday 10th April – CLOSED
Tuesday 11th April – Return to normal opening times.
If you need medical assistance when we closed, please contact 111 either online at or by phone on 111.
Thank you, Queens Road Surgery.
We have had confirmation of delivery dates for our covid vaccines.
We will be holding two Saturday morning clinics on the below dates:
Saturday 22nd April
Saturday 13th May
The clinics will be running at the main site Queens Road Surgery only.
The vaccine we will be using is Sanofi VidPrevtyn Beta. More information on the vaccine can be found by visiting the below website:
Please contact us by phone either on 01207 585890 or 01207 509278 to arrange your appointment. The appointments will be offered in 15-minute time frames. We ask that you contact the surgery after 2pm when the lines are quieter.
Reminder of the eligible cohorts:
Adults aged 75 years and over
Individuals aged 5 years and over who are immunosuppressed
We have taken delivery today of our new waiting room pod. The pod checks your blood pressure, height, and weight. Please ask reception for a token to use the machine. Please note the machine will not announce your weight.
The machine is easy and simple to use. It will talk you through what to do. Please ensure you do not wear a watch when having your blood pressure checked.
The machine will print a slip with your readings on. Please return your slip to reception ensuring you add you name and DOB on the slip.
The practice will be offering appointments for the below eligible groups:
The campaign will start on Monday 17th April and end on Friday 30th June
We have not had confirmed delivery dates of the vaccine. Once delivery dates are confirmed we will contact patients to arrange an appointment.
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