Queens Road Surgery : 01207 585890

Repeat Dispensing

Repeat dispensing allows us to send a series of repeat prescriptions to your pharmacy in one go.  Repeat dispensing is a system we have in place that is safe and efficient but most of all streamlined for both the surgery and patients.

Repeat dispensing is suitable for patients who already receive a monthly prescription however by signing up It will save unnecessary trips to the surgery each month to order as there will be a batch waiting for you at the pharmacy stored securely on the NHS database.

We will set up repeat dispensing annually, to last from your birthday month from this year to the next. It will be a series of one- or two-months prescriptions, given to the pharmacy in one go, that will last 12 months (or until your birthday, whichever is sooner).

If you are going away for an extended period, for example a holiday, the pharmacy can issue your next month's prescription early, so you have enough medication to take away with you on your travels!

If you feel like repeat dispensing is for you, please contact the surgery.